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Traditional Monitoring


Over the course of MMTP, we were given the opportunity to host traditional ceremonies and make offerings of tobacco and prayers. These ceremonies and offerings represent ways for us to apologize and give back to the spirits that are being desecrated by the Project. We know that the trees in the ROW may never come back but we pray that the animals come back and utilize the area again. We cannot replace the trees that have been cleared but we can acknowledge their spirits, we can apologize, and we can ask them to move on. 

We also had the opportunity to harvest and donate some of the wood to communities and organizations as a way to respect and make use of the trees. In our prayers, our thoughts and in our daily lives, we have that level of respect for all living beings. Our actions signify that we are acknowledging all of the spirits and asking for forgiveness and for health and protection. We can pray and perform ceremonies and offerings of tobacco to respect the spirits, and this is the way for us to connect with them. We made these offerings not just for us but for everyone involved on the Project and we appreciate the interest that other employees had in our teachings about spirituality and traditional ceremonies. 

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Ceremonies and Offerings

  • Prior to construction, Manitoba Hydro and interested First Nation and Metis representatives and elders were invited to a traditional pipe ceremony and offering on the Project site. 

  • Since MMTP would be crossing over the Red River, Manitoba Hydro invited water keepers from Peguis First Nation along with interested First Nation and Metis representatives and Elders to conduct a water ceremony asking for permission and safety for all who are part of the Project. A traditional feast was also offered. 

  • Along with Manitoba Hydro staff, we offered a Tipi Teaching at the Manitoba Hydro office in downtown Winnipeg 

  • Manitoba Hydro identified traditional tobacco tie offerings on and off the ROW. We were also able to make offerings of tobacco and prayers along the ROW whenever and wherever we saw fit.  

  • We are planning a closing ceremony for MMTP. However, during the uncertainty around COVID-19 our planning of the closing ceremony has been paused. 

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